We’ve been talking about it for some time, but now the Pretty Good House book is real!

It is available directly through the Taunton store, local bookshops, and on Amazon. The link below allows you to order the book.

Updates on the book, cover, and release will be all over our social media channels. We do not plan to make an email list with updates at this time.


Guidelines for Designing and Building a Pretty Good House

Building a house or doing a major renovation is a daunting task. This diagram shows how the PGH pros think about things! Scroll down a little bit further for explanation of the main points.

PGH Roadmap-2.jpg

If you feel that you have designed and built a Pretty Good House, please feel free to download, fill out and display a Pretty Good Certificate, signed by the Pretty Good House authors—available in two flavors, plain and fancy! Just click on the image and you can download a PDF.

Relevant organizations and references

the BS* + Beer Show a weekly (for now) Zoom based meeting of building science nerds from around the country - links to local chapters coming soon

To watch previous episodes of The BS* and Beer Show - Find the YouTube Channel HERE

Green Building Advisor - This is where many of us initially heard the term “Pretty Good House” The original article is HERE

Building Science Corporation provides training, research and can provide a deep dive into building science

Fine Homebuilding The original magazine that we all know and love has a ton of information on high performance building including some great podcasts

Journal of Light Construction has really stepped up to the plate with lots of information

Pro Trade Craft - Best practices and great videos. This is a great place for builders to learn.

E3 Podcast - Emily Mottram interviews various people with a focus on Energy and Efficiency

Green Architects’ Lounge - A podcast covering many topics relevant to Green Building, high performance building and Pretty Good House info

Building Green - industry watchdog and long time provider of product vetting and technical expertise to the profession.

NESEA the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association is a resource for builders and homeowners - they put on symposiums in Boston and NYC, builder training, home tours etc.

Maine Indoor Air Quality Council - information, links and training. The quality of the air inside a Pretty Good House is paramount!


Mike Maines and Robert Swinburne presented the Pretty Good House at the 2020 Fine Homebuilding Summit


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